
A very good year..

In the mid-Atlantic, this year has been great for gardeners. As a matter of fact, because of the amount of rain we've had, everything seems to be thriving. That being said, I am sick of zucchini, cantaloupe, peppers and tomatoes. Only 2 people live here so maybe we planted too much(six of each plant). What the hell was I thinking? Although my grandmom would have been proud of the amount of canning and freezing we have done this year, did I mention I am sick of tomatoes?

This is what 1 week of tomatoes and banana peppers looks like.

and 2 weeks of peppers.


  1. I smell spaghetti sauce!!!! You can always freeze us!

  2. My Mom had a small garden & every time she came over I'd get tomatoes & zucchini

  3. @ Otin, yep, I've made spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato soup. My freezer is full.

    @ JC I gave away tons of veggies this year.
